All individuals interested in applying for permanent residency in Canada as a skilled person must complete an online form. This form is used to develop yourindividual ranking in the pool for candidates for the three different options in Express Entry programs.
Individuals completing and submitting the application are scored based on their ability to meet and exceed minimum requirements within the pool of similar candidates for the programs. The top candidates in the pools are then invited to apply for permanent residency. The application is just the first step in the process, and completing the application and meeting minimum requirements is not a guarantee of receiving an invitation to continue the process and apply to become a permanent resident.
The first step in the process is to answer the eligibility questions. This information must be completed by one person in the family, with the spouse or partner listed on the profile. Either partner or spouse may be the principal or primary applicant, and the individual that meets or exceeds the criteria for the different Express Programs should be the principal for the application process.
The eligibility questions are completed through an online tool. At the end of the questions, a reference code is provided by the system. This code is a combination of numbers and letters. Use the code with the Express Entry online form to transfer all the necessary information from the tool to the application.
Individuals completing the eligibility questions and meeting the minimum criteria will be prompted to log into their online account or to create an account. This will require personal details and information, including proof of language test results and the job code and title from National Occupation Classification.
Based on the information provided, the system will determine the applicable Express Entry program. Keep in mind, the profile must be completed in 60 days, but the system saves information entered. After the 60 days, the applicant must start the process again.

After entering your application, take the time to get all the information required to complete your invitation to apply for permanent residency. There is a 60 day time period to provide all required documentation from the date of the invitation.
Information that you will require includes:
Police certificates – this must be provided for all family members over the age of 18
Language tests – language test must be within 2 years of the date of the testing, and they must be valid at the time of submission with the invitation for permanent residency. Improved test results can be used to improve your score..
Find a job – individuals can access the Job Bank through the Job Match program and account. A validation code for Job Seekers is sent when a profile is submitted to the system. The Job Bank can be used for those applicants who move to Canada.
It is also possible to apply for a job privately with a Canadian company or through other job databases and boards. Individuals can also reach out to the territories and provinces to become part of a Provincial Nominee Program.
Applicants can also obtain additional educational points by completing degrees, diplomas or certifications, or continuing to work in qualifying NOC categories.
To find out more, contact our immigration consultant in Toronto.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to keep their profile current and accurate. This means reporting any changes in employment status, marital status, language testing results, or if the family or individual has a new child or adopts a child.
Failing to report changes, omitting or falsely reporting information on the profile can result in denial of the application, resulting in a finding of inadmissibility, and imposing a ban that restricts your ability to apply for permanent residency for 5 years.

All information about dates for the rounds of invitations is posted online. It is important to review these dates and to review all instructions. As of January 2020, the settlement funds requirement has changed, so applicants in the pool should update their information to reflect the ability to meet these changes.

All candidates in the pools are scored using a Comprehensive Ranking Systems, which ranks all candidates in the pool based on the current and posted criteria. Those with the highest ranks receive invitations to apply for permanent residency.
Candidates receiving an invitation will receive information in their account that provides the program and the steps to follow. This will include the actual documents to prove the information provided on your profile. If anything has changed, be sure to take the time to check your current score to ensure your score has not lowered. If it has, it is possible to decline the invitation and apply at a later time when you have met the minimum requirements and at least the lowest of the scores in the given round.

Declining an invitation does not mean you are not eligible for future consideration in a round. It does mean the profile is submitted back into the pool. If you fail to complete the invitation in the 60 days, your profile will be eliminated from the pool. Any future consideration for permanent resident status in Canada means starting the process over from the beginning.
If you are not invited to apply in the round or in any round within a year (12 months) of the date of providing your profile, it is removed from the system. The profile expires, but interested individuals can start the process again by completing the profile step and going back into a pool after the 12 month time.
It is important not to create more than one profile. Individuals with a profile in the pool can withdraw or delete their existing profile by signing into their account and clicking on the application and the withdraw profile button. Once it has been withdrawn from the system, a new profile can be created.