Canada is a primary destination for temporary workers, employing over 150, 000 people annually, to fill the gap left by labour shortages. A Toronto immigration consultant can help you obtain a work permit so that you may join this labour force and contribute to Canada’s economy, while furthering your own ambitions. A work permit is needed for most temporary jobs in Canada. Through a careful assessment of your skills and employment background, our experienced consultants can provide you with a unique solution to fit you in the right occupation. Our Toronto based office will process the necessary paperwork to ensure that you receive your work permit and can start to work in Canada immediately.
Furthermore, over 180, 000 foreign workers enter Canada to work temporarily as well. Our Toronto immigration office is based in the heart of the city and we can ensure that you receive a placement as one of these workers. Our experienced Toronto immigration consultants will work diligently to have your work permit granted as soon as possible so that you may start your employment in Canada quickly.

D. LEE | York University
“Thanks to the diligent work done by CIS, I got my Student Visa well before I started school. I was able to focus on my education and not have to worry about the entire immigration process. Now, I am on my way to getting the education that I always wanted, as well as building the path to my dream job.”