Individuals who are skilled workers and have experience in working in specific types of jobs can apply to permanently immigrate to Canada based on their status as a skilled worker.
This is an online application process that requires all required documentation is submitted with the application. There are specific criteria to apply for the program, and it is important to review the information and to select the Federal Skilled Worker program only if all criteria can be met.

All individuals applying through the Federal Skilled Worker program must meet education, language, and work experience criteria. When those factors are met, the applicant is also assessed based on his or her age, language skills and proficiency in English or French, work experience, a valid job offer, and the individual’s ability to adapt to life in Canada.
The system of scoring individuals is based on a possible total of 100 points, which is developed through a grid. There are six different areas or factors considered on the grid, and to pass a score or higher is required.
As with other types of Express Entry, the pool ranking for each individual with a 67 or above score is then considered. The applicants with the highest scores in the pool, or the highest rank, will receive invitations to apply as a permanent resident of Canada.

To be considered skilled work experience the applicant’s past work must be in areas of professional jobs, management, or technical or skilled trades as defined in the National Occupational Classification or NOC. The work must include all of the essential duties outlined for the specific position. In addition, individuals must provide details on the main duties listed for their given work experience.
The experience must be in the prior 10 years to the application and must include at least one year of full-time continuous work at 30 hours per week or 1560 hours annually, or the equivalent number of hours in a part-time, qualifying job. Overtime and work over 30 hours a week cannot be credited. Applicants may have significantly more work experience, but they cannot have less.

As with the other two programs for Express Entry, individuals applying for the Federal Skilled Worker program must show proof of education. This includes a certificate, diploma, or degree from a Canadian school, or the credential and Educational Credential Assessment for foreign diplomas, degrees, and credentials. These must be equivalent to those offered through a comparable program in Canada.

To meet the requirements for the Federal Skilled Worker program, an individual must be able to read, speak, write, and listen in either English or French at a minimum level.
This level is based on the CLB, or Canadian Language Benchmark, and the minimum score is 7 to meet the requirement. The tests are valid for two years from the date of completion, and only valid test results are acceptable for the application.
Individuals must be admissible to Canada, which means there are no security, legal, medical, or application reasons that prevent the individual from coming into the country. Applicants to this program must show proof of funds to live in the country, and they must also have a valid and current job offer and the ability to work legally in the country.
This application allows the successful candidate to live and work in any province except Quebec. Those individuals wanting to live and work in Quebec will need to apply to the Government of Quebec prior to the application for permanent residency in Canada.