Regardless of whether you are inside or outside the borders of Canada, if you have a well founded fear of persecution of returning to your home country, you may qualify for protection in Canada under the Refugee class. Canada is known for its dedication to humanitarian efforts world wide and if you are eligible under this class then you will be qualified to remain in Canada based on humanitarian and compassionate considerations. Our Toronto immigration consultants can help you build a strong case for your refugee claims and get you a positive decision on your request so that you do not have to return back to your home country where you will be persecuted against.
Canada is dedicated to providing a safe haven to those individuals who need refugee protection. Canada has different initiatives related to refugee protection so that people from all over the world that are experiencing persecution can have a safe place they can go to. Primarily the refugee protection system in Canada is two tier. The first part consists of those individuals who are making a claim for refugee protection from inside the borders of Canada and secondly, there are those individuals who are seeking refugee protection from outside Canada. Regardless of where the claim is being made from Canada is dedicated to protecting these individuals and providing them with a safe asylum so that they can be free of persecution and live their life as productive and contributing citizens of Canadian society.
If you feel that you are in need of refugee protection you may contact our Toronto immigration office and our qualified immigration consultants will assess your personal situation and provide you with the guidance and help to process a refugee claim in Canada. We are qualified to complete your refugee case from beginning to end and even represent you in front of the Immigration Refugee Board (IRB). Ensuring that your application for a refugee claim is complete and meets all the requirements is crucial in obtaining a positive decision because there are certain criteria that you must meet to qualify under this class. Our Toronto immigration consultants will work diligently to complete your claim and represent you in front of the IRB so that you may get the decision that you are seeking and start your life in Canada.
We want to help you obtain refugee protection as soon as possible so that you are removed from the dangers of your home country and do not have to live your life in fear. Our Toronto immigration consultants will help you obtain a positive decision on your refugee claim. Canada’s ongoing dedication to helping refugees from around the world is one of the many reasons that it is known to be a world class country and provide the opportunities that it has. To get the process started you may click here and simply apply online. Once you submit the application one of our qualified Toronto immigration consultants will get in touch with you to get the process underway.