Increased Targets in Family Class Immigration for 2024-2026
Background of Family Class Immigration Family Class Immigration in Canada offers a warm embrace from a nation to its residents wishing to reunite with their loved ones. Canadian [...]
Open Work Permits for Spousal and Family Class Applicants
What are Open Work Permits? Understanding Open Work Permits (OWPs) is simple. OWPs in Canada are like special passes for family members of Canadian residents or citizens, allowing [...]
Exploring Canada’s New Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026
Overview of the 2024-2026 Immigration Levels Plan Canada's 2024-2026 Immigration Levels Plan sets specific goals for welcoming new permanent residents: 2024: The aim is for 485,000 new permanent [...]
Common-Law Sponsorship in Canada: Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities
Defining Common-Law Relationships in Canadian Law According to Canadian immigration laws, common-law relationship is similar to marriage, requiring the couple to have cohabited in a conjugal relationship for [...]
Avoiding Seven Common Mistakes in Spousal/Common-Law Sponsorship Applications
The process of spousal or common-law sponsorship applications is a pathway filled with intricacies and requirements that demand high attention to detail. Here is a list of checklist: [...]