Canada offers three programs under Express Entry. Those individuals seeking permanent resident status in Canada with experience in qualifying skilled trades can apply through the Federal Skilled Trades Program. To apply call our immigration consultant in Toronto.

The difference in the Federal Skilled Trades Program and other Express Entry options is the requirement for the individual to be able to document his or her eligibility as a skilled tradesperson. This is based on the information and classifications found in the 2016 National Occupational Classification.

There are several major and minor group classifications that qualify. These include
- Supervisors for processing, utilities, and manufacturing operations as well as central control workers (Major Group 92)
Supervisors for agricultural and national resource industries and those providing technical work in these and related areas (Major Group 82)
Equipment operators and maintenance service providers (Major Group 73)
Electrical, industrial and commercial trades (Major Group 72)

In addition, two Minor Groups, 632 and 633, which include bakers, butchers, chefs, and cooks also are eligible for application to the Federal Skilled Trades Program. The applicant must provide information in their lead statement and be sure to list all of their responsibilities and duties in these positions.
There is also a work experience requirement for the application. This includes two years of full-time work in a qualifying position or the equivalency to two full-time years of employment as a part-time worker. This must have been completed within 5 years of the application date.

All applicants to the Federal Skilled Trades Program must have a valid and current job offer that is in place for one year, or they must have a Canadian certificate of qualification that is issued by a federal, provincial or a territorial authority.

Applicants to the program must be able to read, write, speak, and listen in English or French to meet the Canadian Language Benchmark 5 level. This information must be submitted with the application in the form of the test results from approved testing.
The results from language tests are valid for a period of two years from the date of the test, and they must be current when the application is submitted.

Individuals applying for the Federal Skilled Trades Program do not have to meet specific requirements with regard to education levels. However, those with degrees, certifications or diplomas from Canadian or foreign schools should provide this information to increase their points for ranking within the pool. Higher ranking individuals are selected for an invitation to apply for permanent residency under the program.
Foreign diplomas, certificates, and degrees require an Educational Credential Assessment or ECA to show that the education meets the same level as the same courses or programs taught in Canada.

All individuals applying for residency in Canada must be able to demonstrate they have funds to settle in the country and provide for themselves and their families. This requirement can be satisfied if you have a valid and current job offer and are legally able to work in the country.

Provinces and territories have their own assessments for skilled trades. It is important to review the qualifications and the specific certifications required to apply to work and live in the province or territory of your choice.
In addition, there are some skilled trades that are federally regulated. It is necessary to meet the specific standards required for the trade.