Last Updated on: 16th August 2024, 09:57 am

Prove Your Relationship in a Spousal Sponsorship

The Canadian immigration authorities require substantial evidence to ensure that the relationship is genuine and not primarily for the purpose of gaining immigration benefits. Here are key types of evidence you can use:

  1. Joint Documents: These include joint bank account statements, ownership or lease agreements showing both names, and utility bills with both partners listed.
  2. Communication Evidence: Provide records of correspondence and communication, such as emails, text messages, phone records, and social media interactions that show a consistent and ongoing relationship.
  3. Photographs: Photos of the couple together at various events and over time can help demonstrate the relationship’s authenticity.
  4. Affidavits from Friends and Family: Written statements from close friends and family members who are knowledgeable about the relationship can provide personal assurances of the relationship’s genuineness.
  5. Evidence of Emotional Support: Documentation or detailed descriptions of how partners support each other during challenging times, including health issues, family crises, or professional setbacks.
  6. Travel Records: Proof of visits and vacations taken together, such as plane tickets, hotel bookings, and travel itineraries, can solidify claims of a committed relationship.

Types of Relationships Recognized for Sponsorship

Canadian immigration policies are inclusive and recognize several types of partnerships for the purpose of spouse sponsorship. Here are the three primary categories:

1. Marriage (including same-sex marriage)

Married couples must provide a marriage certificate that is recognized by the government where it took place and by Canada. This includes same-sex marriages, which are recognized for immigration purposes as long as the marriage was legally valid at the place of marriage.

2. Common-law Partnership

A common-law partnership means that you and your partner have lived together in a conjugal relationship for at least one continuous year. Evidence similar to that for married couples can be used to substantiate a common-law relationship, with an emphasis on documents that prove cohabitation for at least one year.

3. Conjugal Partnership

Conjugal partnerships are recognized for those who have been in a relationship for at least one year but have been unable to live together or marry due to significant legal or immigration barriers. A conjugal relationship is more than just a physical relationship; it involves the same level of commitment as a marriage or a common-law relationship. Examples include partners living apart in different countries because of legal restrictions that prevent one partner from obtaining a visa to join the other.

Documentation Required to Prove Your Relationship

1. Marriage Certificate

For married couples, a marriage certificate is the primary document required. It must be an official certificate recognized by the government where the marriage occurred and by Canadian authorities.

2. Proof of Common-law Status

Common-law partners must demonstrate that they have lived together for at least one continuous year in a conjugal relationship. Documentation could include shared lease or mortgage agreements, utility bills in both names, and other official documents listing the same address.

3. Shared Financial Responsibilities

Joint bank account statements are crucial as they show co-management of finances. Credit card statements, insurance policies, and loans in both names can also support the financial interdependence expected in a genuine relationship.

4. Correspondence and Communication Logs

Evidence of ongoing communication such as letters, emails, text messages, and call histories help establish the length and depth of the relationship. These should span the entire duration of the relationship and reflect regular, ongoing contact.

5. Photographs and Social Media

A variety of photographs showing the couple together on different occasions, alongside family and friends, and during significant events, provide visual evidence of the relationship over time. Similarly, printouts from social media showing relationship status, shared posts, and interactions can be beneficial.

6. Affidavits from Friends and Family

Letters from friends and family that attest to the relationship can provide personal insights into the recognition and social acceptance of your union.

7. Evidence of Emotional and Physical Support

Documentation or descriptions of support during significant events such as surgeries, family crises, or other challenging times can be compelling. This includes any joint responsibilities for care or support, shared health insurance policies, or power of attorney documents.

The Importance of Providing Comprehensive and Authentic Documentation

The success of a spouse sponsorship application heavily depends on the credibility of the submitted evidence. Here’s why comprehensive and authentic documentation is essential:

  • Prevents Fraud: Comprehensive documentation helps immigration officers distinguish genuine relationships from fraudulent applications aimed at circumventing immigration laws.
  • Builds a Convincing Case: Thorough and detailed evidence portrays a clear picture of a genuine and stable relationship, leaving little room for doubt.
  • Speeds Up the Process: Well-documented and organized applications are typically processed faster as they require fewer follow-ups and clarifications from IRCC.
Assad Bajwa, Immigration Consultant

I'm a fully licensed Immigration Consultant based in Toronto. My goal is to make your immigration journey as smooth and successful as possible. Follow my blog to stay informed on the latest immigration updates, tips, and insights to help you achieve your goals in Canada.